Went back with tripods this time to try and play with longer exposures and work in darker conditions. Much of the area we discovered was literally pitch black, so finding light and a focus point was a miracle. Shadows and highlights were very much the case in the majority of these images, a great experiment to test the strength of the camera under difficult conditions. A few more playful observations, and some just a play on composition and using a skylight we found as the light source adding a dramatic atmosphere to the scene.
Found it interesting in some of the images, that where the light is seeping through a small hole creating a sort of natural spotlight; it added a sort of Gregory Crewdson 'Twilight' look to the image. By this I mean making the scene look slightly staged but at the same time capturing a point in time where all the elements of the image come together to create a sort of 'narrative scene backdrop', possibly even the set of a film or documentary. I saw this in the image 'Spotlight' and even 'Pause', which reminds me of the figure in Crewdson's image "Woman Stain".

"Top, November 2009"

"Bottom, November 2009"
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